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Vendanges 2016

The beginning of the harvest

The beginning of the harvest

30 August 2016

Harvest begun last Tuesday at Domaine de la Métairie d'Alon !
The first grapes harvested were nice Chardonnay from our "Taich" vineyard which is situated to the North of the village of Magrie. The grapes are beautiful with a nice ripeness and small yields due to the drought and hot winds of the past few weeks.
Afterwards, the nice and healthy Pinot Noir grapes from the "La Métairie" and "Cabagnol" vineyards have been harvested. 
Our whole team is working hard for a great 2016 vintage !

Abbotts et Delaunay
32, avenue du Languedoc  MARSEILLETTE  France
P:+33 (0)4 68 79 00 00